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SIMPS key facts

  • Models available in six risk levels
  • No minimum investment
  • All funds are selected by Tribe’s CIOs based on their positive and social environmental benefits
  • Liquid portfolio of daily traded funds
  • Quarterly rebalancing
  • Dynamic Planner risk-mapped
  • Available on FE Analytics
  • Suitable for ISAs, personal pensions, SIPPS, bonds and other investments
  • Annual management fee 0.25%


(for use by advisers and clients of advisers)

Resources for your clients

(for use by advisers and clients of advisers)

When asked “how would you like your money invested” – the majority of our clients want their capital to do additional good in the world. However, a lot of them are also concerned about greenwashing. Investing in the Tribe SIMPS provides a robust solution that not only reassures clients that their investments are aligned with their personal ethics, but also documents specifically how their money is contributing towards a positive future world. This provides a solution in which our clients can truly believe.

Daniel Stansall, Advice Manager, MWA Financial

Access the SIMPS

Start accessing the SIMPS range by speaking to our advisers team today.

Contact us or call Aaron and Neil on +44 203 745 5570