Big Oil’s Black Wednesday - what does it mean for investment?

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent…it is the one that is the most adaptable to change.
Charles Darwin
On the 26th May, 2021 – Big Oil’s Black Wednesday – Shell, Exxon and Chevron were all publicly held accountable for their contributions to the
Climate crisis
Next was Shell, who, on the 18th May, had its energy transition strategy
approved by nearly 90%
of shareholders despite a challenge from campaign group Follow This. Shell declared the strategy, first released in February, was aligned with a
Net Zero
One day, two major developments with two important learnings. First, we now know that size really doesn’t matter. Minority shareholders with smart, informed arguments and evidence can mobilise majority shareholders to their bidding. Second, the rule of law binds everyone in society, including shareholders and Boards, which for many investors may have come somewhat as a revelation.
So, what does Big Oil’s Black Wednesday really mean for investment? Well, two things. First, if you’re going to take a position in a black energy company, knowing all we know about the scale of the climate crisis, then you need to be prepared to fight for change. It’s taken until May 2021, and the informed strategies deployed by Engine No. 1, to take a huge first step in re-orienting the company. Additionally, to further support change across the industry, Engine No. 1 has also released their investor presentation used to gain support. 4 A gift that others may use to garner support and force those resisting change into the very change they need to survive. In lieu of divestment, this is exactly the type of engagement that is needed. Knowing we can’t turn these companies off overnight, and that within these companies is the expertise and capacity to drive the clean energy and beyond plastic revolution society and the planet needs. The lesson here is clear. Engagement needs to be fearless, committed, rooted in science, a financial reality, and leave no counter argument unaddressed. Couched in the narrative of adaptation and survival, it’s the Darwinian principle applied to investment.
Second, the rule of law is absolute. Climate change is a human rights issue. It’s a planetary rights issue. It’s no longer just a boardroom issue, and shareholders can’t abdicate responsibility or accept mediocrity. The level of transition ambition in the fossil fuel industry is still badly short of where we need it to be, even with those who declare to be leading the charge. Where investors accept mediocrity, the rule of law will inevitably and increasingly step in. As a more
As we look to increase this transition ambition into real, tangible progress, investors need to work much harder to really understand the scale of the crisis, both scientifically and financially, and to translate that into adaptation. This is where many can learn from the impact investing community – a pioneering group of investors who have championed transition for decades, and who understand adaptability and survival. It’s the very essence of the investment thesis we have at Tribe. In the age-old dispute about divestment versus engagement. It’s clear from recent events, that there is room for both. But the stakes are high. Watch out any investor who claims engagement and who can’t evidence their adaptation activities.