Working in partnership

We work with charities and endowments to build and manage investment portfolios for financial growth, aligned to your charity’s defined set of values. More and more charities are choosing to include impact into their overall investment objectives. As a charity you can do this in several ways, from through to multi-asset endowment investing. Our approach helps trustees to align their investments with their objectives in relation to their beneficiaries, thus strengthening their theory of change.

Charity papers

More and more charities are including impact in their overall investment objectives. Find out how one of our charity clients is doing it (impact investing for charities paper). Also, not all investment advice is the same, how does a trustee know they’re getting good value? (Valuable investing for charities paper)

Why impact investing?

Impact investing focuses on addressing major social and environmental challenges while generating financial returns.

It’s often a way for investors to express their personal values through their investments: using business to solve social and/or environmental problems.

How does it work?

Your charity’s invested capital can create change. Combining your charity’s financial aims, values and theory of change can create progress in the areas that matter most to your charity.

Explore your ImpactDNA™

Define what matters to your charity and how this can be the foundation of your portfolio driving real social and environmental change.

Build a purposeful portfolio

Create a portfolio that supports your charity’s mission, giving you financial, social and environmental returns.

Tell your impact story

Know how your portfolio is performing with oversight of your investments through our impact and financial performance reporting.

We have a duty to our clients to manage risks (the externalities). But we also believe we have a duty to our communities and the planet to be responsible. For this reason we operate our business in line with what both these areas need.

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve answered some of the questions we often get asked by charities. Take a look and feel free to send any others you have to the Tribe charities team.

We felt drawn towards impact investing. We were particularly interested in the prospect of investing in line with the UN SDGs. Our trustees were keen to see more of a positive deliverable from our endowment pot.


Join the Tribe

Start realising the potential of your charity’s investments by speaking to a member of our charities team today.

Contact us or call us on +44 203 745 5570